TransPersona™ Life Coaching

shutterstock_108973550_large_left_800TransPersona™ Life Coaching is a unique professional service that I have developed which combines the practical goal-oriented focus of traditional life coaching with the personal development of transpersonal experience.

The TransPersona™ approach draws upon the work of Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Alfred Adler, Robert Assagioli, Ken Wilber and other significant contributors in the fields of Depth Psychology, Spiritual Psychology and transpersonal studies.

Through use of a variety of traditional coaching tools and transpersonal techniques, TransPersona™ Life Coaching can help clients access the powerful creative potential of archetypes, metaphor and intuition and practically apply this knowledge to achieve a more richly fulfilling life and way of being.

Life Coaching is a process of guided self-discovery and self-creation.  The TransPersona™ approach can help clients connect to an inner source of inspiration and guidance, to discover higher purposes for life’s journey and to creatively manifest harmony, joy and practical success in their lives.

Life Coaching is a distinct professional service, and not a substitute or alternative for counseling, psychotherapy or other professional services.


Depending on the client’s intent and level of commitment, some of the potential benefits that can be anticipated through this work include:

•  Guided self-discovery of your “personal paradigm”— your own unique soulful pattern of character, identity and purpose that shapes and gives meaning to your dayto-day and lifelong experience.

•  Assessment of your natural strengths and opportunities for individual growth.

•  Help in understanding the inner messages and lessons to be learned from situations, relationships, and chronic problems in your life.

• Development of practical and transpersonal skills which can be independently applied to continued growth and personal success.

•  Assistance in evaluating what’s working and what isn’t for maximum effectiveness.

• Tangible results in the pursuit of your passions and dreams.

The Process

TransPersona™ Life Coaching  involves a collaborative alliance between the client and “Guide” (a.k.a. Coach). The process begins with an initial 90-minute consultation during which specific goals are established for the work.  Following the initial consultation, weekly 45-minute coaching sessions are scheduled for a period of approximately three (3) months. These weekly sessions can be in-person or via telephone based on client preference and advance agreement.

During coaching sessions, clients are guided in both practical coaching activities (e.g., goal-setting, skills assessment) as well as transpersonal techniques (e.g., guided imagery, hypnosis and shamanic journey-work).

The coaching process also includes recommended reading and “homework” exercises, and clients are expected to keep a journal during the process.

Clients can elect to continue coaching sessions after the initial 3-month program, and subsequent sessions can be weekly, bi-weekly or monthly depending on client need.

For more information on Life Coaching, including fees and availability, feel free to contact me.

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